China Textile City: Renmian Creative Color Pattern Fabric Sales Are Active
Recently, China Light and textile city has increased the varieties of innovative and creative pattern fabric hanging samples on the market in summer in China Light and Textile City, and the off take of counterpart merchants from north and South has also increased. In recent years, the traditional market of Light Textile City creative pattern finished product renmian sales smoothly, matching pattern fabric transaction shock push up. With the daily growth of domestic demand business volume, the overall market turnover of Renmin cotton presents a month on month increase trend.
Recently, the delivery rate of finished man's cotton cloth of various printing and dyeing factories in Xiaoshao area has increased compared with the previous period. The demand for spot subscription or order of counterpart merchants in the textile city has increased, and the turnover of finished man's cotton cloth has also been pushed up.
Summer cotton 30s × 30S、32S × 32S、45S × 45S、60S × Printing fabrics such as 60s have a wide range of transactions. Embroidered fabrics and dyed fabrics have their own markets. Many business outlets are busy, and the sales of various fabrics have increased. Among them, the width of the door is 145cm, and the cotton yarn is 30s × 30S、68 × 68 calico, 60s × 60S、90 × 88 printed cotton cloth, part of the transaction is active.
In the recent market, the number of digital printed man-made cotton, carved printed man-made cotton, embroidered man's cotton and other varieties in the finished man's cotton cloth of light textile city, as well as the innovative and creative flower type fabric hanging samples of carved embroidered man's cotton cloth have increased significantly, and there are still many varieties of flower patterns on the spot in some regular model business markets. In recent days, there have been scattered transactions of various types of reactive printed man-made cotton fabrics. Batch orders for reactive printing, digital printing, embroidery, carving printing and carving embroidery have been successively carried out. There are many varieties of finished man's cotton cloth hanging samples in the overall market, the spot listing is still increasing, and the order delivery is also increasing. The transaction volume of creative pattern fabrics is increasing, Compared with the previous period, the transaction is local and there is still an increase. However, most of the orders are concentrated in some front shop and back factory type cloth companies and large-scale business outlets. The business of some small and medium-sized business operators in the market is still limited, and the sales volume is still insufficient compared with the peak season. In some large-scale business outlets, the number of color flower varieties increased month on month, which promoted the market transaction to rise, and the future sales volume still had a large space to rise.
With 60s × 60S、90 × 88 rayon elastic fabric and rayon Tencel like dyed fabrics interact, the price is basically stable. Jet rayon with 45s × 45S、100 × 80 and 60s × 60S、90 × The color of 88 gauge dyed fabric is interactive among local varieties. Large angle, fine angle, satin satin, thickened single side and 30s × 24S、91 × 68 specification rayon double-sided oblique dyeing fabric local small batch of multi variety color transaction. Rayon crepe 30s × 30S、60S × 60s and rayon 30s × 30S、60S × 60s variety interaction, 45s × 45s man-made cotton twill and rayon all-round elastic, colorful rayon tangle, two-color rayon multi variety interaction, popular color fabrics continue to increase, dark yellow, beige, orange, dark blue, grass green, emerald green, Hulan, brown, extra black and other deep and light color fabrics have small and medium-sized transactions, and some light color and bright color products have increased transaction volume.
In recent days, with 40s × 40S、100 × Because of its good quality and various styles, the demand for 80 gauge calico has increased greatly in recent days. It is not only sold in batches by domestic sellers, but also placed orders in batches by border trade merchants from Guangxi and Xinjiang. Foreign businessmen from the Middle East, Pakistan and ASEAN also placed orders in large numbers. Mainstream variety 30s of carved printing on rayon fabric × 30S、68 × 68 specifications, Renmin cotton reactive printing mainstream variety 30s × 30S、68 × 68 specifications, the mainstream variety of carved printing on rayon 30s × 30S、68 × 68 specifications, compared with the previous period, the turnover gradually increased. Recently, 30s is the most popular cotton fabric × 30S、68 × 68 specifications still become the main variety in the market, dyeing, printing, embroidery three categories of after-processing products have different volume of transactions, with 30s × 30S、68 × People's cotton fabrics of 68 specifications which are processed by reactive carving printing are relatively popular. The spot transaction of innovative and creative pattern fabrics interacts with the order taking, and the local sales increase. The advantages of innovative and creative pattern fabrics are obvious, and the products with higher added value still have a boost.
(correspondent: Jiang Jianren)
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