South Africa'S Clothing Sector Seeks Competitiveness And Resists China
Balde made the comments at a seminar organized by the International Labour Organization. The clothing industry is an important industry for South Africa, because the garment industry is not only an employment industry, but also a key task for the country to shake off poverty. Therefore, there should be an equal competition environment between domestic manufacturers and their Chinese competitors.
Besides, Customs Fraud should also be immediately controlled, in order to allow the apparel sector to compete at the global level. Over the past few years, fierce debates on China's current policies have been carried out, especially in the US and Europe. The people's Bank of China keeps the renminbi at a low level, aiming to boost export prosperity. This practice is artificially keeping the currency in a low position, giving more competitive power to the goods and services of the country, and has a negative impact on other exporters and local manufacturers. Therefore, in this regard, the global community should take measures to oppose China's change. monetary policy Balde stressed.
Balde said that the government should take substantive measures to oppose unreasonable policies, which proved to be a threat to the survival of the clothing industry in South Africa.
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